Soy Milk Pudding (three cups)
105 ml soy milk
95 ml heavy cream (made from animal/vegetable fat)
1/3 vanilla stick and a few drops of vanilla extract
20 gram sugar
2 gram gelatin + 14 ml cold water
- Add cold water in gelatin and stir until it dissolves and leave until it hardens.
- Put soy milk, heavy cream, vanilla seeds and sugar in a pot and simmer it.
- Turn off the stove right before boiling, add in and mix well the hardened gelatin.
- Strain the mixture in a bowl with spout and add in vanilla extract.
- Pour the mixture in cup containers and chill them in the fridge for about 30 minutes or more.
*Different way of adding gelatin: Add gelatin powder into water and mix it well. Microwave it for 30 seconds and add it into the soy milk mixture. Let it cool in the fridge.
Brown Sugar Syrup (Kuromitsu)
35 gram brown sugar
15 gram soft brown sugar
50 ml water (about 3 tsp)
- Simmer the sugar and water over low heat until it thickens but remove from the stove as soon as it starts to thicken to make smooth syrup. Never mix it until it heats up (makes bubbles) to avoid the sugar from getting solid.
- Pour the syrup over the pudding when it's ready or make this syrup first before the pudding and pour it at the bottom of each pudding container to be chilled together with pudding.